I have had the privilege of meeting remarkable individuals who have found ways to cope with profound losses, ways that I deeply admire. Often, we have not met before, and I know nothing of their stories. They greet me warmly and with politeness. It is only when our session begins, and I connect them with their loved ones, that I learn about their experiences.

The most heart-wrenching losses are those of children, particularly the young ones. My heart lifts when I can provide evidence that offers them some comfort. These sessions are often highly emotional, and I view the tears shed as part of the healing process. I must maintain my composure and focus, as the sessions are not about me.

As I learn more about their circumstances, their losses, and their daily battles to maintain whatever remains of their faith and sanity, I am struck by their resilience. They fight this struggle primarily for their loved ones still with them—their surviving children or partners. This is a struggle that can only truly be understood by those enduring it. As a parent of an eight-year-old daughter, I cannot fathom how I would cope in their situation. Yet, these heroic, beautiful souls always thank me graciously after our sessions and continue to communicate with me as friends. Many honor me by considering me a part of their family.

I am truly blessed.

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