“Can you see into the future?”

I am often asked this question, and my short answer is no, I cannot. I know that some people may be able to do that, and I find it intriguing. Over many years of service as a psychic medium, I have only been inspired about forthcoming events three or four times, one of which was about COVID-19 almost nine months before it was even heard of. I recall conversing with my wife about something unrelated, and I sort of ‘drifted off’ into a daydreaming state. I told her that there was a new virus that would spread and claim the lives of many people. It would push humanity to the brink and cause great calamity. I said the virus would be referred to alphanumerically and that nothing would stop its spread. True enough, in time, the world was introduced to the dreaded COVID-19, and it caused great carnage, from which we are all still reeling in one way or another, even to this day.

Why and how I received this specific information is beyond me. I often wonder what use it was to inspire someone like me rather than scientists or biologists so that we could be better prepared. This remains a mystery to me to this day.

In recent years, fortune tellers have taken center stage on New Year’s Eve to prophesy about coming events. The majority are fun to watch and provide entertainment value since most of their prophecies don’t even come true. Still, I am aware of at least one person in Lebanon whom everyone waits for religiously, as most of what he predicts has so far come true. He is very secretive and does not share any information about his ability. Some people fear him and accuse him of possessing sinister powers and connections

Maybe one day, we will learn more about this phenomenon. Who knows what the future brings? If you are hoping for a sign from your loved one – I can help you reconnect Book me for a mediumship session; I know you will not be disappointed. My testimonials speak for themselves: https://app.box.com/s/lzbwd7mye6hgysay0nuguq1x4lmvtcun

Visit my website to book a session with me: https://garodedeyan.com

I offer a full refund if you are not completely satisfied within the first five minutes of our session. That’s how confident I am in the quality of my services.

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