We experience their presence in dreams, hear their whispers, sense their energy, or even feel their touch. Some glide into our lives effortlessly, bridging the gap between worlds. Others send unmistakable signs: remarkable, profound, and, at times, undeniable proof that they have transcended death and continue to exist beyond the physical realm.
Our loved ones, on the other side, genuinely try to reconnect with us in any way they can. Yet, our own minds often stand in the way of analyzing, doubting, and questioning the authenticity of these experiences. The most common reaction is, “I don’t know if it’s real or just my imagination.”
I always encourage those who seek guidance to set aside over-analysis and scepticism, allowing the experience to unfold naturally. We can allow ourselves to receive when we put ourselves to one side. It is not easy to do it, but it is not impossible once we start accepting our limitations and narrow perceptions of the world around us.
Our loved ones have indeed survived death; life is deathless.