During my time at boarding school, my roommate once claimed he would demonstrate something extraordinary. He gathered our other roommates, making us five in total, including myself. He asked one of the others to sit on a chair placed in the middle of the room. He then instructed the rest of us to position ourselves around the seated person: one in front, one to the right, one to the left, and one behind. He directed us to extend only our index fingers and place them under the chair.

My roommate began reciting verses from the Quran, and after a few minutes, he asked us to collectively lift the chair using only our fingers. Initially, I was skeptical about our ability to achieve this, but I joined in, and to my astonishment, we effortlessly lifted the chair and its occupant about half a meter or more above the ground. The chair, along with the boy sitting in it, felt as light as a feather. After approximately thirty seconds, we gently lowered him back down, leaving us all in awe of what had just transpired.

To this day, I remain perplexed by how we managed to accomplish this feat with seemingly no effort. I intend to include this experience as another chapter in my book, The Unexplained.

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