Through my journey as a psychic medium, I have learned valuable lessons. It is remarkable to observe how people react upon learning of my abilities and witnessing my commitment to this path. Those whom I anticipated would be supportive and continue to care for me as before, often changed and gradually distanced themselves from my life. Conversely, individuals from whom I least expected support stepped forward and grew closer to me than ever before.

The subject of the paranormal or life after death is not universally accepted and can be unsettling for some. Initially, I maintained a low profile, but ultimately, I felt compelled to be open about my work because it was essential for me to embrace my true self.

When I disclosed my identity as a psychic medium to family and friends, I received a range of reactions. I understood not to take any of these responses personally, whether positive or negative. It is an inevitable aspect of life that not everyone will appreciate or accept me. However, I have discovered that while some may not value me or my work, a significant majority do. What sustains me is the love and support from those I least expected to understand, who now show me genuine love, respect, and appreciation.

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