Becoming a psychic medium was the last thing I ever imagined. I grew up in a moderately religious household—my mother was a devout believer who prayed daily, while my father was a sceptic who believed in nothing. As a child, I was sent to a strict Catholic school in Lebanon, where I boarded for several years. The priests there were unkind, and the supervisors were sadistic and cruel, eager to dish out beatings for even the slightest infractions. We remained at that school out of necessity, with no other options due to the war.

During that time, I learned a great deal about people, fear, and the capacity for cruelty. Prejudice and racism were rampant, especially toward me because I was from a different denomination and background. I was frequently targeted. My interest in the unexplained, particularly the paranormal, only worsened things. This fascination drew unwanted attention, and I quickly became an outcast. My fellow students labelled me a “devil,” and I endured relentless bullying and physical abuse. Yet, despite everything, my curiosity about the paranormal never waned; it only grew stronger as I grappled with questions that the priests could not—or would not—answer.

My journey toward my current life began when I finally left that school. I was sent to a boarding school in England, where I gained access to bookshops and libraries. There, I discovered books that validated my experiences and reassured me that I was not alone in my interests.

I didn’t develop my psychic abilities immediately. Instead, I spent years working on myself with the help of a dear friend and therapist. As I confronted my challenges and healed from my past, my intuition and senses became more precise and decisive. Looking back, I now realize how deeply connected we are to the unseen world and how our emotions and mental state significantly impact our experiences with the paranormal. It took many years of overcoming shame, pain, and fear before my mentor and therapist friend felt confident enough to suggest I serve as a healer in a church. This began my journey of serving others and the greater good. I am fortunate to be in service.

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