Many children recount memories of non-biological families they were supposedly part of in a past life. They describe homes where they lived and people they knew, and sometimes even speak in a foreign language unknown to their present families. The experience can be unsettling for the child’s family, and most people try to find ways to suppress these thoughts as nonsense.

Some children may not refer to a ‘previous’ life but rather the present one. They may even state that they chose to be born into their present families and were aware of the circumstances prior to being born.

In the cases above, the first one supports the belief that reincarnation is real, as there is no way for a child to recall memories of people they have never met, at least in this lifetime. As for the second notion, some people seem to believe in it and that we choose our paths before birth. I find this one hard to accept, but there is no knowing if it has truth.

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