My father is suffering from dementia, and his condition is gradually but inevitably worsening. While he remains mobile and generally recognizes us, there are moments when he struggles. I’m learning a great deal about this dreadful disease and its cruel consequences. Honestly, I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy.

My father’s condition took a sharp decline after my mother’s passing in February. His doctors have explained that the shock and grief accelerated the deterioration process. We now witness daily declines, each day bringing unpredictable challenges. However, we also observe extraordinary sensitivity in his behaviour, which we attribute to an enhanced sensory perception.

We have dedicated caregivers who are with my father around the clock. A couple of months ago, when I visited him in Lebanon, something remarkable happened. My father was unaware of my arrival. As he passed by the stairs leading to my room, he suddenly stopped and stared up the corridor for a while. When the caregiver asked if he was alright, my father nodded but wouldn’t move from that spot, as if he were ‘stuck,’ fixated on the direction of my room. The caregiver assured me that she hadn’t informed my father of my arrival, yet she was convinced he had somehow ‘felt’ my presence.
In our culture, we celebrate the 15th of August in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is a significant event, one that my mother observed with a day of prayers and contemplation. She would even travel long distances to attend special services at an old church. My mother felt deeply connected to the Virgin Mary, and she often saw her in dreams, where she received messages and prophecies—though that’s a story for another time.

That night, my father was restless and slept very little, repeatedly waking up. His caregiver told me that Dad kept talking to my mother, going back and forth between her bedroom and the front rooms. Our internal cameras, which monitor my father’s safety, showed that he was more active than usual, wandering around as if searching for my mother. Given his condition, he’s often unaware of the date and time; sometimes, he doesn’t even recognize our home. Could he have been triggered by the significance of the date yesterday? If so, how could he have perceived it? I wonder.

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