What benefit, if any, comes from re-establishing contact with those we’ve parted ways with? Shouldn’t we sometimes put certain aspects of our lives behind us and move on?

As a medium, I believe the connection with our loved ones, especially those who have passed on, should never be severed. Just because we can no longer perceive them with our five senses doesn’t mean they are gone forever. The possibility of reconnecting with them can bring hope and encouragement.

But what purpose does reconnecting serve?

Nearly all of us leave behind unresolved matters in life and in death. This is mirrored in our experiences with those who have passed. We often feel there was more we could have said or done. There’s a strong, innate need to be comforted and assured that our loved ones did indeed survive death and that they are at peace on the other side. While some may view death as a liberator, most see it for what it truly is: the great devastator.

We are fortunate to be able to link with those who have passed. In doing so, we find solace in knowing that all is not lost forever; there is hope beyond the dark abyss that we call death.

Life is deathless.

Book me for a mediumship session; I know you will be satisfied. My testimonials speak for themselves: https://app.box.com/s/lzbwd7mye6hgysay0nuguq1x4lmvtcun

Visit my website to book a session with me: https://garodedeyan.com

I offer a full refund if you are not completely satisfied within the first five minutes of our session. That’s how confident I am in the quality of my services.

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