I watched an interview on TV with a famous psychic medium, and when asked about his psychic ‘power’, he said that he no longer referred to it as a gift but rather an ability. I felt at odds with his point of view because I have always believed that it is a gift and that we are blessed with it. Yes, it is an ability, but we are gifted with this ability to help others.
The genuinely gifted must never forget to appreciate their abilities in service and not see themselves at any advantage over others. The gift is an immense responsibility that has to be respected and never used for self-serving. It could be swiftly taken from us, if it is abused in any way as has been the case on countless occasions. This further proves my point that it is a gift, not an ability.
To book a psychic reading with me: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=30140037&appointmentType=52378227
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