On my journey as a healer, I met several professional cage fighters who had come to see me for healing. I saw a different side to these giants. It defied reason how these martial artists, who could inflict severe damage on one another in the fighting ring, were so loving and caring outside it.

I would be lying if I were to claim that I was not anxious to be in their presence at times during healing sessions. They could easily snap my neck with a quick, swift blow, but I felt I needed to show them that I trusted them so they could also trust me. Even though there were occasions when at least a couple of them had negative energies in the form of ‘attachments’, my focus was on healing, and my trust is forever in God. When I was finished clearing the unwanted energies, I often saw their tears, relieved to be delivered from the negative influences that have made them suffer.

We see them as tough, unbreakable and unstoppable during their bouts in the ring, and they are indeed impressive to watch. Their respect and appreciation of what they received in the church was exceptional. They appreciated and were grateful for the help they received. I learned a lot from these beautiful souls, which will stay with me forever.

After years of preparation, my communicator told me one day that I was ready to serve as my faith had become unbreakable. I never fully comprehended what he meant until I found myself in the arena of good over evil, and my heart, I feared nothing and no one; I was in service of the greater good.

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