A few months ago, I experienced the profound loss of my dear mother, marking the most devastating event of my life. Her death was neither natural nor expected, which intensified the impact on me. I struggled to sleep, eat, or concentrate on my daily routines. There were moments when I would break down in tears while walking down the street.

Each day seemed more challenging than the last. Living in different countries, I had grown accustomed to calling her at least once a day. The void her absence left was overwhelming. My clients were understanding and sympathetic, yet I found myself unable to focus or conduct any readings. This was particularly disheartening, as I am passionate about my work and see it as my life’s mission to help others, both in this world and the next. As a psychic medium, I am often the one the bereaved turn to for comfort, but in this instance, I found myself unable to help even myself.

Prayer was difficult, and when I did manage to pray, I was overcome with grief for my mother. The pain and hurt were consuming, and I felt lost. Unexpectedly, Rita, the administrator of this group, reached out to me privately to check on my wellbeing. I confided in her about my struggles and the cancellations of my sessions. I expressed that I had lost my attunement and was contemplating stepping down from my role as a psychic medium.

“You have to find a way to separate yourself from it, Garo. We need you…”

Her words resonated deeply with me, and I knew she was right. I needed to find a way to detach from the pain. A few days later, I went for a long walk in the park. I sat by a pond and spoke to my mother. I told her how much I missed her but also that I needed to find myself again, so I was going to move forward. I cried for a long time, and eventually, I felt a sense of emotional, mental, and even physical detachment from my loss. It was time for me to move on.

About a week later, I conducted an incredible reading that impressed both my client and me. Not long after, my mother visited me in a vivid dream, assuring me that she was well on the other side. While I still miss her, the pain of her loss has shifted, allowing me to cherish her sweet memory. I have found peace.

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