Animals possess a remarkable sense of intuition, sometimes even psychic abilities. Some can predict impending death or natural disasters like earthquakes. Many in the animal kingdom seem to discern good from bad people, gravitating toward those they trust. It’s astonishing how they can pick up on our moods, sensing when we are sad, angry, or happy.

As we continue to learn more about animals, we are slowly “catching up” in our own evolution, striving to one day reach their level of intuition and empathy. I am fascinated by the wisdom animals possess and what we, as humans, can learn from them. I often wish I had the ability to truly communicate with them; it would be a dream come true. Yet, sometimes, I think I may be spared the grief of understanding just how terrible we humans can be.

The closest I have ever come to “communicating” with an animal was when I was asked to tend to a cat in need of healing. A young couple had reached out because their cat had stopped eating, become lethargic, and withdrawn. When I arrived, I sat quietly beside the cat, which stared at me with its beautiful, vivid green eyes, filled with sadness. I closed my eyes and began my healing process. When I opened them, the cat’s gaze had not changed—it was still watching me with that same sorrowful expression.

Slowly, I began to sense something, though I wasn’t sure where these feelings came from. Setting aside my analytical mind, I focused on my emotions, and somehow, I understood: the cat knew it was nearing the end of its life. In that moment, the cat lightly tapped my hand, and I took it as a sign that it wanted to be left alone.

This experience was unlike any I had encountered before. I had to rely entirely on my intuition, which was unfamiliar to me. I also had to find a way to communicate with the couple delicately, without causing them unnecessary pain or making myself seem foolish. I shared what I felt with them, and when they asked if I could heal their cat, I gently explained that I didn’t believe that’s what the cat wanted.

I left their apartment with a mix of emotions—sadness for the cat and confusion about whether I had truly picked up on something or if it had all been my imagination. I decided to put the experience aside and carry on with my day. A week later, the person who had put me in touch with the couple called to thank me on their behalf. She said they had followed my advice and given the cat the space it needed. It had passed away peacefully a few days later.

I felt a deep sense of gratitude for having played a small part in bringing the cat the peace it needed for a dignified end.

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