s if losing a loved one isn’t painful enough, living with the uncertainty of when to expect a sign can be even worse. Some of us may be lucky enough to get a sign not too long after a loved one’s passing, but the majority, including me, may never receive one, which can sometimes be very disheartening.

A sign from the other side confirms life after death, but even more so, it represents love and that they are linked to us; we all need that assurance.

I have only once received a sign, and it was from a friend who tragically died in my arms as a result of an accident. His death riddled me with guilt because I tried to save his life, and I could not (later confirmed that no one could have saved his life). A few nights later, I tried to sleep but struggled very hard. I looked ahead at a mirror and saw my friend’s face in the mirror; hazy, but it was him, and he was smiling. Seeing him shook me and stirred my emotions; I still suffered from shock.

However, years later, I found that the sign he gave me helped me to come to terms with ridding myself of the guilt. He was smiling at me, assuring me, and this was invaluable. I miss so many friends and family on the other side, but I am fortunate to be a medium. I may not receive physical signs, but we link as and when conditions allow, and it is just as magical!

If you don’t receive a sign, link with them anyway, I can help you; this is what I am here for.

To book a psychic reading with me: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=30140037&appointmentType=52378227

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