A client recently asked me, “What if a spirit refuses to leave after a psychic reading? What would happen then?”

As a professional in this field, the well-being and safety of my clients are my top priorities. I take several measures to ensure a positive and secure experience. Each session begins with the Lord’s Prayer, invoking spiritual protection and permission to be of service. This process is fundamental to the session, and I only proceed once I am adequately prepared.

It is crucial that the vibrations feel right. I need to sense the familiar energies of my spiritual helpers, which assures me that the sources of the communications are genuine.

My spiritual helpers ensure that only authorized spirits can come through. The likelihood of an uninvited spirit appearing is extremely slim. Each session is conducted with the utmost seriousness and respect for the spiritual realm. Once the session concludes, those who have connected with me from the other side will gradually fade back into the light, and the link will be closed. The only remnants are the incredible feelings of comfort and healing for the client.

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