Some individuals seem to receive premonitions about their deaths. They appear to know well in advance when their time will come, and in most cases, they seem to be at peace with this knowledge. The mechanism by which they become aware of their impending demise remains uncertain—whether through an internal sense or a message from beyond. It is remarkable that these premonitions often prove to be accurate, as evidenced by the information and clues these individuals leave behind.

Being made aware of one’s approaching death differs significantly from facing execution, which typically induces turmoil and anxiety. In contrast, those who sense their natural end seem to accept it with a sense of surrender, relinquishing their hold on life with a calm resignation. Many individuals with such premonitions appear to be secretive about their knowledge as if it is a private understanding that is not meant to be shared. There is even speculation that they might be granted a glimpse of the afterlife, offering them reassurance.

For instance, my mother left several clues indicating she was aware of her impending death and had found peace with it. She even left a handwritten note stating, “I have lived a rich and blessed life. I love God for all that He has given me. Do not cry for me when I am dead, for I am with Him.”

Perhaps, one day, we will learn more about this phenomenon and comprehend its intricacies. I sincerely hope this understanding comes within my lifetime, as I am deeply intrigued and in search of answers. Who knows, I may eventually receive a premonition about my own death. If that happens, I will endeavour to leave some clues behind.

Would you want to know if your time was near, or would you prefer to remain oblivious?

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