Scepticism is, in fact, a positive attribute, as it enables individuals to maintain perspective and remain grounded. It is essential to distinguish between scepticism and cynicism. Cynicism stems from negativity, which inhibits growth and is detrimental. Conversely, scepticism promotes critical thinking while allowing room for exploration and discovery.

With a background in information technology, I am naturally inclined toward scepticism; however, I strive to keep an open mind. While I may not be able to explain most phenomena related to the paranormal, I prioritize observation and learning before forming any judgments. Over the years, I have learned to embrace ambiguity and move beyond the binary logic of zeros and ones. The realm of the paranormal presents infinite possibilities, a world within countless worlds, many of which lie beyond human comprehension. Although relinquishing control and stepping away from the certainty of the known was initially challenging, I ultimately found inner peace in the process.

At the outset of my journey into the paranormal, I was overwhelmed and lost amidst a myriad of opinions, theories, and imaginative narratives. It took time to recognize that each individual holds unique beliefs and firmly considers them valid. Upon reaching this realization, I discovered that maintaining a sceptical mindset was healthy and essential for navigating the paranormal’s complex and often contradictory landscape. While I do not dismiss possibilities, no matter how improbable they may seem, I approach each phenomenon with cautious curiosity. After all, life itself defies complete understanding, let alone the enigmatic realm of the paranormal.

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