My grandmother was renowned for reading coffee cups. Relatives, friends, and even strangers would flock to her, eager for her to interpret the patterns left behind in their coffee.

Tasseography, the ancient art of divination through interpreting patterns in tea leaves, coffee grounds, or even wine sediments, has been practiced for centuries. Reading Turkish coffee grounds, in particular, is a time-honored tradition in many countries where Turkish coffee is cherished. The coffee, usually Arabica, is carefully prepared in a specialized pot over low or medium heat. It’s then poured into small cups and left to rest before drinking. In the Middle East, coffee is often served with a small sweet and a glass of cold water.

Once the coffee was finished, the cup would be handed to my grandmother. With a delicate touch, she would examine the grounds, turning the cup slowly in her hands. She would pause, turn it again, and then, as if unlocking a hidden message, begin to share what she saw.

“I see you wearing a suit. You’ll be attending an important event soon. There’s a window of opportunity on your horizon.”

“I see a bird flying over your head, bringing news from afar.”

I would often try to peer into the cups myself, curious if I could spot the shapes or patterns she spoke of. But no matter how hard I tried, I could never make sense of the coffee residue. The shapes she described seemed invisible to me, and it left me puzzled. Her predictions were so remarkable, often uncannily accurate, that it seemed almost magical.

One day, unable to contain my curiosity any longer, I asked her how she did it. I wanted to know her secret. She smiled and said, “Son, when I look into the cup, I don’t actually see anything—just plain old coffee grounds. But I keep looking until I get a feeling, a sense of something. I don’t tell people what I see; I tell them what I feel, because there’s nothing really there.”

Welcome to my world, psychic Grandma…

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