As science and the paranormal draw closer, could it become inevitable for children to be introduced to their abilities at school and instructed on how to understand and utilize them?

I have a friend who is an established special needs educator and a well-known author. She embraces the paranormal, having had firsthand experiences. Consequently, she has adopted a different approach when students inquire about such matters, acknowledging their curiosity and remaining open-minded. She, of course, navigates these conversations delicately, ensuring she does not sway anyone’s beliefs, yet she has resolved not to dismiss truths she knows. At a fundamental level, she encourages her students to maintain an open mind and recognize life’s myriad possibilities. Reflecting on my own childhood, I recall being discouraged from discussing such experiences; today’s climate is markedly different.

Perhaps, in the future, children will receive comprehensive education on topics integral to existence, including psychic and paranormal phenomena. Might psychic and paranormal studies even find a place in the curriculum, introducing students to their inherent abilities from a young age? Personally, I envision a future where science, education, and the paranormal converge, heralding an era of enhanced understanding, clarity, and truth.

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