For several days, I reached out to my mother in Spirit, speaking to her and expressing how much I missed her. Since her passing, I had not felt connected to her, and my last memory was of identifying her body before the service and burial. Her body did not reflect my mother; it was cold, lifeless, and bloated. I kissed her forehead, feeling its coldness, and stood there, feeling hopeless, staring at what was once a vibrant, warm, and loving presence, now entirely lifeless. Though I knew in my heart she was in a better place, seeing a loved one in such a state is incredibly heavy and difficult to process.

After several days of reaching out to her, I went to bed one afternoon on the fifth day, feeling quite exhausted. I slipped into sleep easily and had a remarkable dream. In the dream, I found myself standing in an old church that felt slightly cool and misty. My mother stood near me, looking up at the ceiling. She guided me, describing the features of the old church, which appeared amazing. The church exuded an incredible sense of peace and calm, feeling holy and pure. We were alone, and as we walked into another room adorned with icons on the wall, she pointed them out and described them with artistic fascination.

Eventually, my mother turned to me and said, “I am very happy here, Garo… very happy.”

I woke up shortly after and realized the significance and relevance of the dream. I am now at peace, knowing that my mother, despite her tragic death, is at peace and in a happy place. Blessings come in unexpected ways, and my mother’s connection in the dream was profound, healing me in ways I cannot fully describe.

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