Have you ever found yourself inexplicably sad and heavy, only to discover that someone you know has passed or passed soon after?

It happened to me numerous times, and it was overwhelming at first. I had no idea why I felt the way I was for no apparent reason. The most memorable was when I was in London as a student and scheduled to travel to Lebanon for the holidays. A friend asked me if I was looking forward to my trip, and a mysterious sadness overtook me. I said that I was not looking forward; something sad would happen. True enough, a good friend died in a horrific accident that deeply shook me and the entire community.

In time, I learned to identify this particular sense of sadness to recognise it when I feel it. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to do that because it is hard to see clearly through the fog when it takes over. It is also unnerving because you don’t quite know who the feeling is concerning.

Will I feel sad or euphoric when my time comes? I have no idea, but I will find a way to let you know!

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