Do Earth Angels exist, or is our perception shaped by a desire to see the greater good prevail on Earth?

In the digital age, we frequently encounter videos of individuals performing acts of kindness, such as distributing cash or food to those in need. These actions are often filmed and shared online to attract viewers and generate revenue. This form of self-promoting behavior has become a social trend, gaining momentum and popularity, albeit sometimes with unintended consequences (e.g., influencers or YouTubers being sued).

Despite the motivations behind these actions, the act of giving—even if driven by self-interest—is still preferable to not giving at all. Recipients of such generosity are unlikely to reject the aid, even if they are aware that it is part of a self-promotional effort.

While this trend may eventually fade, it persists as long as there is an audience to sustain it.

Conversely, there are individuals around the world who contribute to humanity silently and selflessly, without seeking recognition. These extraordinary individuals, who often go to great lengths and even sacrifice their lives to save others, perform acts of heroism reminiscent of fiction. Their unwavering commitment to selfless deeds serves as a beacon of inspiration and hope for us all.

I firmly believe that Earth Angels do exist. Most of them operate quietly behind the scenes, taking no credit for their good deeds. Even though we may not be aware of their identities, their light continues to shine.

Despite the challenges, the triumph of good is inevitable.

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