The best thing about being visually disabled, as I am, is that I rely more on my other senses than on my eyes. Over the years, my vision has deteriorated significantly, forcing me to depend less on my eyesight. This was initially painful because I had always wanted to be like everyone else, but it was not.

I do not fully understand how the mind works, but my sensitivity has heightened as my visual ability has diminished. This heightened sensitivity has become a more significant part of me, and I am learning to control it; it is not easy. I have little choice because I need to function daily without getting hurt, and I do hurt easily.

Perhaps this was all part of a ‘greater’ plan to make me more sensitive on a psychic level. I cannot deny that this experience may have had a positive impact. When I reflect on all the lives touched and healed by my service as a psychic medium, I wouldn’t want it any other way. I am deprived of many things visually, but I no longer care about them. In my heart, I feel my clients’ happiness, which is more than I could ever ask for. I am honoured to be in the service of others, and I would not want my life to be any other way.

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