When you encounter the paranormal, it is understandable that your first instinct may be to deny, question, or even escape. After all, whatever is happening is beyond our defined ‘norm.’ Your mind does not understand what is happening, which may eventually give way to fear.

Even the most seasoned mediums can feel fear in some scenarios; doing so is perfectly human and natural. Some aspects of the paranormal can be intense and intimidating, requiring nerves of steel. I know firsthand because I was an exorcist and healer for many years at a church, and I encountered many people with severe issues that sometimes pushed me and my team to the edge. Yet, I learned that if you look past the rough seas and weather the storm, incredible treasures of knowledge and truth await, further enhancing your being and giving new meanings to life as we know it.

I do not subscribe to superstition, lies, or dogma. I have put all these behind me and strive to liberate myself from ignorance. I follow my heart in fulfilling my mission in life, serving others and the greater good. The paranormal is a natural part of life; it is undeniable and not the work of ‘evil’ or such absurdity. The quicker we accept that life cannot be controlled, the better. Life cannot be compartmentalized and minimized; it has a life of its own and is well beyond the finite 2+2=4.

Life itself is paranormal, the greatest wonder of all. We are very fortunate to be its guests; enjoy it.

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