The paranormal is not a gimmick and should not be treated frivolously. In some settings, I have observed inappropriate behaviour from so-called mediums who launch into impromptu demonstrations of their ‘abilities.’ One specific event that comes to mind involves a trance medium who, at a party at her home, decided after a few drinks to go into a trance to show off her abilities to those present.

I always suspected that she was faking her trance sessions, which I attended twice, simply because of the ‘accent’ she used for her Native American communicator. It was a mix of French, Chinese, and other absurd elements. I later learned that the party’s prominent medical and legal professionals were not impressed by what they witnessed. This type of behaviour provokes ridicule and undermines the credibility of genuine mediums like mine. I understand why some people are wary of mediums. It is a minefield out there, and finding genuine mediums who are not scammers or fakers is difficult, especially when one is vulnerable and seeking clarity. The same can be said for unscrupulous individuals in other fields.

All aspects of the paranormal should be treated with respect and not used for ‘fun’ or entertainment. Our abilities exist for a reason: to serve others.

If you are hoping for a sign from your loved one – I am that sign. Book me for a mediumship session; I know you will not be disappointed. My testimonials speak for themselves:

Visit my website to book a session with me:

If you are not completely satisfied within the first five minutes of our session, I offer a full refund. That’s how confident I am in the quality of my services.

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