Almost everyone will encounter a paranormal event at some point in their lives; it is inevitable. Unfortunately, not everyone will accept or appreciate the experience. Most will dismiss it as a figment of their imagination, while others may react negatively, labelling it as “ungodly” and rejecting it outright.

Of course, everyone is entitled to their feelings and opinions, but I prefer to take a pragmatic and grounded approach. When people share their first-hand experiences of paranormal phenomena with me, I always ask if they or any of their loved ones were harmed in any way. Almost always, the answer is no. If no harm was done, perhaps they should consider the possibility that a loved one is trying to let them know they are still around and looking out for them. The unseen world is a part of our lives and our reality. We must accept that there is something beyond our limited five senses and move beyond the narrow belief that nothing exists unless it fits within our parameters. This toxic sense of entitlement hinders our progress, breeding ignorance and fear.

As a child, I remember asking my grandmother if she feared “things” from the other side. She immediately replied, “I fear people on this side of life, not the other.” Forty years later, with the world in its state, I now see how valid her words were.

I don’t fear the other side but the evil that hides in plain sight.

——————————– Book me for a mediumship session; I know you will not be disappointed. My testimonials speak for themselves:

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