Here is a revised version of your article with improved clarity, structure, and flow:

I am often asked whether I know my guides on the other side—who they are, where they’re from, and so on. I recognize two guides who assist me, one actively supporting my mediumship and healing work. The other revealed himself to me years ago, but I’m still unsure of his specific role as a medium and healer in my life.

Some mediums feel the need to fully connect with their guides, seeking to know their names, origins, and personal histories. However, I choose not to delve into those details. My focus is not on myself or on my guide; it is on my clients and the service I provide. My primary guide, who plays an active role in my work, has asked to remain anonymous, and I respect his wishes. We do not share a personal relationship outside of my work. Our connection is rooted in mutual respect and trust, with a shared and singular goal: to be of service.

Occasionally, during a healing session or a reading, my guide will interject with insights—vital information about the client or patient that can profoundly help. His presence is subtle yet deeply impactful.

When he first introduced himself, he offered hints about his identity. As I began piecing them together, I was in awe that such an advanced soul would choose to work with me. Yet, he was quick to remind me to let go of any “fascination” and focus on the task at hand. Undoubtedly, he has played, and continues to play, a crucial role in helping me use my abilities to serve others. Even in my darkest moments, he was there, helping me see hope—reminding me, with a warm smile, that better days were ahead.

“When you suffer, do so with dignity. When we suffer, we do it in our blessed Lord’s name.”

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