I knew that I was different from when I was a child. At school, my friends played in all sorts of physical activities while I spent my days reading The Bible and books on the paranormal because I was so fascinated with the subject.

I experienced things the other kids were oblivious to. I saw spirits, they communicated with me, and I felt emotions that were alien to me. I naively assumed the other kids shared my views and experiences, and little did I know that when I was sharing, they were mocking me. Some hated me for no reason that I could think of and labelled me a freak. I was picked on, bullied and beaten, but I could never deny my identity. Eventually, I became a recluse and shied away from the crowds, I wasn’t like them, and although I tried, I could never be like them. It was painful, and sometimes, I cried.

My English teacher Mrs. Dew made me appreciate my worth by appreciating my writing. She told me that it made me unique, and she was very cross with me when I strayed in my feeble attempt to be like others. I never discussed the paranormal with her, but her love and support gave me the foundation to believe in myself.

As I grew older, I learned from my communicator on the other side that if we love ourselves for who we are, it makes no difference what others think of us. The key to my fulfilment as a psychic medium was to love myself for who I am.

“Love yourself for who you are, and the right ones will appreciate you.”

To book a psychic reading with me: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=30140037&appointmentType=52378227

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