Some of my most profound spiritual experiences occur when I am alone in nature. I don’t set out with any specific intention, such as meditating. Instead, I seek out quiet, secluded places to pray and reflect, allowing myself to fully absorb the beauty of the natural world. It is in these moments that I feel most connected to Spirit. In nature, I find an inner tranquillity that I cannot achieve anywhere else, and the insights I receive are clearer and more meaningful.

I hadn’t anticipated this type of experience until a few years ago when I stumbled upon it by chance during a long walk through the forest. Feeling tired, I found a quiet spot beneath a tree to rest and enjoy a snack. The day was sunny and mild, not too hot, just pleasantly warm. As I sat there, I became aware of the soothing sounds around me—the chirping of birds and the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze. Before I had even started eating, I felt a distinct mental impression, followed by a voice I recognized as my spiritual communicator. The experience was overwhelmingly positive, and I absorbed everything it offered.

Since that day, I have learned to surrender to nature for more profound spiritual connections. Whenever I need answers, I return to nature, where I find myself and my connection to the other side.

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