In the early 1970s, my family lived in the Arabian Gulf, where my father’s friend was a prominent contractor handling large government projects. At the time, Qatar was still largely undeveloped, with vast stretches of desert, creating plenty of opportunities for construction work.

One of his major contracts was to build the country’s first airport, a project that was completed successfully and to the satisfaction of the authorities. As a result, the government awarded him a much larger task: the construction of a military installation, which included underground bunkers, missile silos, and other facilities. The site was far from the town center, so he stationed project managers and engineers onsite to minimize travel time and ensure the project stayed on track.

Everything progressed smoothly at first, but after a few months, one of the supervisors alerted him to a serious problem. The workers had become unnerved by something, refusing to continue their duties. Concerned, my father’s friend asked my dad to accompany him to the site the next day.

After a long drive, they arrived at the remote location and met with both the workers and their supervisors. The workers explained that they had been frightened by strange lights in the sky, which moved at incredible speeds in various directions and sometimes hovered silently overhead. They described these objects as emitting colorful, flashing lights, and at times, they would flood the compound with intense illumination.

Puzzled, my father and his friend asked the project managers if they, too, had witnessed the phenomena. To their surprise, the managers confirmed the workers’ accounts, admitting they had no explanation for the strange occurrences. My father and his friend decided to stay onsite for a few days to observe the situation for themselves.

Sure enough, they witnessed the lights with their own eyes. Government officials were called in to investigate, but they were also left without answers. Despite the unsettling nature of the events, it was crucial for the project to be completed on time. Eventually, the mysterious visitations decreased, allowing the workforce to resume their duties. They worked around the clock to finish the project and leave the site as quickly as possible.


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