When I volunteered as a church healer, I encountered people from all walks of life. Many carried the weight of dark pasts, burdened with guilt and shame. Some were so emotionally wounded that they doubted their own worth, feeling unworthy of life itself.

I never judged them, regardless of what they had done. My responsibility was to guide them toward finding peace within themselves and with God. It was challenging at times, but we persevered. What made the process easier was their sense that I genuinely cared for them. Though I wasn’t always pleased to hear about some of the things they’d been through—some of it was truly disturbing—I never treated them differently. I approached each person with respect, regardless of their past. I believe in hope, and I am convinced that none of us is beyond redemption.

There were moments when some vented their anger at me, while others wept in desperation. I never took it personally; I knew it wasn’t about me but about their pain and need for healing. Patience was key to helping them access their better selves. By creating a safe space for them to open up, I reassured them that I was there to help, and they valued that trust. Being a healer requires discipline, sacrifice, and an unwavering commitment to those you serve.

Although I love my work as a psychic medium, the satisfaction I gain from healing is deeper. There are no words to describe the joy I feel when someone who was once in turmoil finds inner peace, and their dignity is restored in the light of blessed angels.

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