My aunt recently shared a story about me from when I was around 14 years old. While my memory of the event is vague, I listened with great interest. She recounted that our family was at a beach house, enjoying a delightful day filled with barbecues, food, and drink. My aunts, aware of my ability to connect with the other side, took turns receiving readings from me inside the beach house, away from the crowd.

When it was my aunt’s turn, she felt both nervous and excited. The session began smoothly as I connected with her stepmother. My aunt was able to relate to some of the sporadic information I provided. However, a few minutes into the reading, I asked her, “Are you still putting pepper in the salad?”

This question left my aunt in shock, prompting her to run out of the room. She used to add pepper to her salads because she loved spicy foods, despite being prohibited from consuming them for health reasons. Her stepmother had frequently quarreled with her about this habit. The fact that no one else knew about this detail except my aunt and her stepmother made the moment particularly striking.

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