When planning a long journey away from home, you pack whatever is necessary: essential documents, medication, clothes, etc. You pack in priority order, starting with the items you absolutely need. The worst thing that can happen is if, God forbid, you leave something important behind.

Most of us are familiar with this scenario. It is also safe to assume that most of us have, at some point, left something behind and many have even missed flights due to such delays.

Now, let’s consider the longest journey that awaits all of us: the final destination that we call ‘home’. What will you take with you, and what will you leave behind? It would be best to leave as much ‘baggage’ as possible behind. You do not want to deal with trivial Earthly matters when you are on the other side; you’ve had ample opportunity to sort these out here on Earth. Now is your chance if you still need to do so or start somewhere. Start by asking yourself why you cannot forgive others. What is holding you back? Anger is our worst enemy; if untamed, it can become lethal to us and others. Is your anger stopping you from forgiving others or from moving on? Think carefully and put yourself in the shoes of those who wronged you. Ask yourself, why did they hurt you? When will you let it all go?

Your transition to the other side is inevitable; the lighter you cross over, the higher you’ll fly.

Let us start our journey together today; I am here to help you.

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