How do individuals with dementia cope when they transition to the afterlife? Do they comprehend what has happened to them and that they are no longer on the earthly plane?

Allow me to share insights from my experience as a psychic medium. I have come to understand that our spirits are entirely independent of our physical bodies. Although our spirits retain our qualities, memories, and experiences, they appear to be whole when on the other side, free from the blemishes or scars that may have once affected the physical body. For instance, if someone had a leg amputated before their passing, they will appear with both legs intact in the afterlife. However, during a mediumship session, the spirit may present an image of themselves as an amputee for identification and confirmation that no limbs are missing.

Individuals with dementia receive assistance with reorientation and reintegration on the other side. There is no fixed timeline for this process; it takes as long as necessary until clarity is restored. Remarkably, when I connect with someone who had dementia on Earth, they can recreate some of their feelings, thoughts, and environments. This raises questions about how they can recall these memories when they were unwell and unaware of their surroundings. I have learned from the other side that our feelings remain intact even if the mind is compromised. Therefore, it is crucial to treat our loved ones with dementia with love and care, to make them smile, and to ensure they feel safe—this is all they ever ask for.

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