I served as a healer in a Spiritualist Church for a few years. My team and I met every Friday to receive many people seeking healing. We never charged any amount and refused any form of payment or gifts. We accepted donations for the church. We were there in service of God and the blessed angels to help broken souls.

My speciality was the removal of negative energies, emotional or mental blocks, curses, attachments, entities and exorcism. I never aspired for this service but accepted that my path was chosen for me, and I was honoured to serve the greater good. My faith was strong and genuine, and I believed that no negative energy could stand in the face of the Light in the church. My team members were also firm believers. Each one is a beautiful soul, ready to give of themselves unconditionally. The service was popular, and people waited longer to be seen every Friday.

Although the results were consistently positive, it took a significant amount of mental, physical and emotional energy from me. I always needed a day at least to recover, during which I would be in bed out of exhaustion. I dealt with the most severe and most hopeless cases. Sometimes I would become very ill after a heavy session, but I took solace in alleviating the suffering. My team and I were not the healers; we were the instruments, and the healing came from God. We witnessed ‘miracles’ in the church, remarkable recoveries and transformation right before our eyes.

We would collectively smell the distinct scent of roses on many occasions, even when no flowers were in the church. The smell filled the air and was an absolute treat. We took it as a sign from the other side; we were doing God’s work and on the right path.

(In the photo from left: Linda, Marie and Alabama)

To book a psychic reading with me: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=30140037&appointmentType=52378227

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