When I connect with the other side, how do I know that what I’m receiving is not just a figment of my imagination? How do I distinguish between realities and understand what is real and what is not?

When I first discovered my ability at a young age, it came naturally. My mind was less analytical, open and free. But as I grew older, I became more focused on logic, trying to make sense of the paranormal and life after death. In doing so, I lost sight of the purpose of my gift. Foolishly, I also began to think I was ‘special’ because of my ability—only to later realize this was a serious mistake. My gift was never about me but about the beautiful souls on both sides of life. I am not special; I am merely a conduit.

The first steps in rediscovering mediumship as an adult were far harder than when I began as a child. Back then, it flowed effortlessly. As an adult, I struggled with self-doubt and an overwhelming fear of failure, constantly worried about looking foolish. Although I knew deep down that I could connect with the other side, I couldn’t quiet my mind. I questioned everything I received and shared. My nervousness caused me to fail miserably, leading to many cancelled sessions and refunds.

The worst part was knowing I had the ability but feeling unable to access it. I was despondent, but during a family vacation to Spain, I hoped the change of scenery might lift my spirits.

One morning, I took a walk along the beachfront alone, with no music or distractions, just the sound of the seagulls and the ocean. I prayed as I walked, asking God for guidance.

Suddenly, the unmistakable voice of my communicator came through: “You are being prepared for a greater service.” There will be many changes, they said—profound changes that would forever alter me. The choice was mine if I agreed to accept them. I didn’t know the details, but I discussed it with my wife, who offered her full support. I prayed once more, asking to be of service, and soon after, my life, as I once knew it, became a distant memory.

Some changes were immediate. I was never good with numbers, but now I’m utterly hopeless with them. My concentration faltered except during mediumship sessions. I became intolerant of loud noise, avoiding parties, concerts, and other chaotic settings. It feels as though a part of me has detached from my Earthly existence, becoming more attuned to the other side—as though I already belong there.

The greatest gift of all is that my once-overactive mind has finally quieted. No longer do I question or doubt the messages I receive. I now feel liberated from Earthly concerns and closer to Spirit. With that clarity and peace, I am able to help others find theirs.

Dear reader, if you’ve made it this far, I want to thank you for taking the time to connect with my journey. As a gesture of appreciation, here’s a special discount: Use code 25LESS at checkout for $25 off your next session.

Book me for a mediumship session; I know you will not be disappointed. My testimonials speak for themselves: https://app.box.com/s/lzbwd7mye6hgysay0nuguq1x4lmvtcun

Visit my website to book a session with me: https://garodedeyan.com

I offer a full refund if you are not completely satisfied within the first five minutes of our session. That’s how confident I am in the quality of my services.

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