Some people wish they could see a ghost or spirit in person. Some go to incredible lengths to ‘hunt’ ghosts by visiting popular haunts and graveyards. It is remarkable that when they see something, their reactions often involve fear and panic. This makes me wonder why they seek out an encounter with a ghost in the first place if fear is their primary response.

In my 40 years of service, I have encountered otherworldly physical manifestations on rare occasions, mostly in my younger years. I never expected these events to occur; they seemed to happen naturally at the time. In almost all cases, the apparitions spoke with me, and I was never afraid or felt threatened. If anything, these experiences piqued my interest in the paranormal from a young age and inspired me to learn more about the other side of life.

Although I am much older now and less naive, I still brace myself for the possibility that a manifestation could occur at any time. I always prepare myself mentally to expect the unexpected, so I am not easily shocked. However, no matter how prepared we may be, such experiences can still take us by surprise.

If you are ever fortunate enough to experience such an encounter, please remain calm and control your ‘fight or flight’ instincts. Remember, you are not in danger. Sometimes, different worlds collide, that’s all.

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