I often wonder if knowing when someone is destined to die is easier to cope with than not knowing at all. People say knowledge is power, but does this kind of knowledge truly empower us? Or does it simply add another layer of emotional complexity?

When a loved one is suffering from a terminal illness, for instance, we have a rough sense of how much time they have left, and we begin to expect the inevitable. In some ways, this knowledge helps us prepare emotionally. We brace ourselves for the loss, and perhaps it even allows us to say things we might otherwise leave unsaid. Yet, the long, drawn-out process of watching someone decline can be just as painful, if not more so. It’s hard to say which is worse—knowing and waiting, or being taken by surprise.

Sometimes, I get a feeling that something isn’t quite right, a kind of heaviness that isn’t immediately obvious but lingers in the background. Over time, I’ve learned to trust this intuition. It’s an awareness that may be unpleasant, but I’ve come to believe that it’s important to honor it. And I’ve realized this isn’t unique to me as a psychic medium; many people seem to get similar feelings before the passing of a loved one.

The last time I experienced this was before my mother’s passing. Though the feeling wasn’t specific to her, I had a strong sense that either she or my father wouldn’t be around for Christmas. My mother passed away not long after. I was fortunate to have been “alerted” in this way because it pushed me to fly out and spend quality time with my parents. Had I ignored the feeling and not made the trip, I don’t think I could have forgiven myself for missing those precious weeks with them.

For me, I would rather know and be prepared than be blindsided by the news. Yes, it’s sad and painful to realize that a loved one’s time is limited, but there’s also a gift in that knowledge. It gives us the chance to set aside any lingering regrets or unresolved feelings and focus on what matters most: spending time together.

Whatever the circumstances, the message is clear—cherish your loved ones while they’re here, and make the most of the time you have with them now.

To book a reading with me: https://garo.as.me/psychic-reading

I offer a full refund if you are not completely satisfied within the first five minutes of our session. That’s how confident I am in the quality of my services.

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2024-10-14 Psychic Reading Patricia Alley with Garo Dedeyan

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