When giving a reading, the most challenging part for me is to balance and control my emotions. I am significantly affected when parents have lost a son or a daughter, but even more so when it is the loss of a child.

Although, at heart, I know that after the pain and tears, healing will come through the reading. I cannot deny my feelings. I maintain a ‘professional’ detachment, but that does not work because readings are all about feelings. One day my communicator told me it was okay to be sad or teary when connecting with others. These raw, honest emotions help clients because they appreciate those who can understand and feel their pain.

Spirit gave me the option right at the start of my journey as a healer:

“You will eat from their food and drink from their water. You will feel them and their pain. You will suffer with and for them. In doing so, you will help restore their faith and give them hope.

“Over the years, I learned how fortunate and deeply honoured I am to be able to share God’s gift and my love. I found my purpose in serving the greater good and the kind souls on either side of life.

To book a psychic reading with me: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=30140037&appointmentType=52378227

Testimonials: https://app.box.com/s/lzbwd7mye6hgysay0nuguq1x4lmvtcun

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