I watched a short video on YouTube depicting people visiting cemeteries and ‘haunted’ homes in search of ‘paranormal’ experiences. After a series of ongoing provocations and constant barrages of “Is anyone here?” they may eventually elicit a reaction. What happens next is remarkable: they jump in fright, scream, cry, tremble, and freak out.

Remarkable! What were they expecting? I wonder.

I’m certain many of these ‘reactions’ are staged for the cameras. There must be an audience for these shows, otherwise, they wouldn’t be filming them in the first place. I’m concerned about amateur ‘ghost hunters’ who might emulate this pursuit without acknowledging or disregarding the potential dangers involved. Some realms of life, whether on one end or the other of the spectrum, are best avoided and left for experienced professionals to handle. You wouldn’t venture into a minefield with your friends for a cheap thrill, would you?

I’ve been present at numerous house clearances involving disturbances and hauntings. I never approach these situations with fascination but with respect and genuine concern to help resolve the issue. There are myriad pastimes available; I don’t believe that ‘ghost hunting’ should be regarded as one of them.

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