A dear friend shared the story of his mother’s experience shortly before her passing, which occurred a few years ago in Italy.

His mother had been unwell, and the family was prepared for her imminent death. Yet, to everyone’s surprise, she recovered and returned to her normal life. The family was overjoyed and viewed her recovery as nothing short of a miracle. After several examinations, doctors gave her a clean bill of health. However, a few weeks later, she had an extraordinary paranormal experience, which she shared with her husband. While he was deeply shaken by the details, she remained calm and composed.

Her story was that she awoke one night feeling thirsty and went to the kitchen for a drink of water. They usually left a dim light on in the kitchen, so she didn’t bother to turn on the main lights. As she entered the room, she was astonished to see her deceased father standing in the corner. Rather than fear, she felt a sense of surprise and joy.

“Father!” she exclaimed.

“My daughter,” he replied, “you will pass in a week from today, and when we meet again, it will be in heaven.”

Although startled by the encounter, she turned on the lights, but her father had vanished. She immediately woke her husband and recounted what had happened. His initial reaction was dismissive, attributing the experience to sleepwalking. Despite his skepticism, the family couldn’t help but feel anxious as the final day of the week approached. She remained in good health until the seventh day, when she suddenly deteriorated and passed away from a massive heart attack.

I firmly believe in her story.

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