No matter what anyone says or thinks, do whatever brings you comfort as you cope with the pain of losing a loved one. Everyone has their own way of grieving, and we all process loss differently. There is no right or wrong approach—only what feels right for you. Grief takes time, and each of us heals, to some degree, at our own pace. While we may never fully get over our loss (I wish there were a way), we sometimes receive signs, both directly and indirectly, that offer us comfort.

Many of us hope for an opportunity to be reunited with our loved ones again. When I lost my mother, I was devastated, and I continue to mourn her every day. After her passing, I prayed for her to visit me in a dream, asking her daily over the course of a week. Eventually, she did visit me, and that experience changed me profoundly. While I still miss her deeply, the visitation eased my pain, as I had begun to feel like I was losing my mind. However, I mistakenly sought others’ opinions on the experience.

Please, don’t ask others if your dream was an actual visitation or merely your imagination. No one can answer that question but you. People will have their opinions, but that’s all they are. A visitation is different from an ordinary dream; it touches your heart and soul in a way that changes you. A visitation from the other side aims to help you heal.

Cherish every sign, dream, visitation, or communication you receive. They are all real; if you honour the experiences, they will stay with you forever.


Join me on Sunday, September 15, at 5pm London, England, 12 noon EST, for a very special free two-hour Q&A session on Zoom

This session will be unlike all my other Q&A sessions because I will be tuned to the other side to share answers to your very complex question.

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