“Could some people who are considered ‘mentally ill’ and seen talking with invisible people, in fact, be psychics with mediumistic abilities?”

I asked a dear friend, a professional psychotherapist with over 50 years of experience. She replied that we are learning that life is not simply ‘black and white’ but consists of many shades of color. Maybe some people are indeed seeing or hearing things that we cannot perceive. Just because we cannot see what they’re seeing does not necessarily mean that it is not true.
I was impressed with her thinking and have since heard similar opinions from others in the field. How far has science come in this respect? Once upon a time, anyone, including myself, seen talking to people not perceived by others would be deemed mentally ill, and they might even be committed. Things are different now: mediums and psychics are respected and featured in the media and press. People no longer look upon us as ‘lepers.’

However, the question remains: how can I be sure that the communication I am receiving from the other side is not my imagination? The simple answer, at least from me, is that my imagination cannot provide the evidence being shared. Evidence that proves beyond all doubt that our loved ones on the other side are very much alive. I underwent extensive inner growth to learn and appreciate the importance of my ability and service to others. My development process was arduous, to say the least. I had to lose my pride, my ego, any self-centered thinking, and most of all, the feeling that I was unique in any way. I struggled before finally finding myself, my true self. The core of me wants to help everyone around me with my ability, not for stardom or self-importance, but out of love and to help others where I can.

Yes, I do talk with ‘invisible’ people, loved ones on the other side, but what I am doing is helping others. What are the so-called ‘sane’ people doing besides building weapons of mass destruction and waging wars, I wonder.

If you are waiting for a sign from your loved one – I am that sign. Book me for a mediumship session and I know you will not be disappointed. My testimonials speak for themselves: https://app.box.com/s/lzbwd7mye6hgysay0nuguq1x4lmvtcun

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