The short answer is yes—this can happen more often than you think.

Just because someone has transitioned to the other side doesn’t mean their earthly differences with others automatically vanish. People need time to heal, and although every effort is made on the other side to improve situations, some issues may remain unresolved until all parties meet again in the afterlife. However, it’s important to remember that there is always the potential for resolution, offering hope and reassurance in the face of uncertainty.

I’ve had clients eager to connect with loved ones on the other side. A link is established, but then no information or communication comes through. Despite all my efforts, it sometimes feels like the person on the other side is intentionally holding back and choosing not to communicate. When I ask my clients if there are profound differences between them and the departed, and they confirm it, everything makes sense. Sometimes, we are fortunate enough to achieve reconciliation in that moment, but in most cases, more time is needed, and we may try again in the future.

I hold deep respect for my clients who, when reconnected with someone who may have wronged them in life, find it within themselves to forgive and help them in their transition.

I have been in the service of champions and giants, and I am both humbled and inspired by their journeys. Book me for a mediumship session; I know you will not be disappointed. My testimonials speak for themselves:

Visit my website to book a session with me:

I offer a full refund if you are not completely satisfied within the first five minutes of our session. That’s how confident I am in the quality of my services. Follow my page on Facebook for news and offers:

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