Years ago, I was often called upon to assist with removing unwelcome energies from homes. I volunteered as a healer at a spiritualist church, which would refer people seeking this type of help to me. I never charged for my services but asked for my basic travel expenses to be covered.

I always brought my grandfather’s Bible (he was a devout Christian), my cross, and holy water. This type of work required careful investigation, so I would gather as much information as possible from the residents before beginning the clearing process. It is essential to understand the history of events, the nature of the disturbance, when it started, and whether anyone was being specifically targeted. There is always a cause and effect, and to address the situation properly, it was crucial to identify and treat the cause rather than merely focusing on the symptoms.

Once I had gathered sufficient information, I would ask the residents to leave me alone in the house (though a volunteer usually accompanied me). I would begin with a prayer, asking for protection, and then proceed to each room, carefully sensing my surroundings. This phase was critical, as it was often when I experienced physical phenomena firsthand. Though such experiences could be startling, I was never afraid because I had faith that I was protected. I have encountered loud bangs, scratching sounds, and dramatic drops in temperature.

Regardless of the source of the disturbance, my first task was establishing authority. I would then tune into the energy to understand its intent. Some entities may be unpleasant and deceptive, but I could sense when this was the case. My response depended on the nature of the presence, whether it was seeking to draw attention to a specific issue or intending harm. I also considered its past activity, as that often revealed its true nature. Not all disturbances are malevolent. When I identified the cause, I aimed to resolve the issue, usually reasoning with the spirit, which typically led to the disturbances ceasing.

In cases involving unpleasant entities, I would visualize a powerful, bright white light surrounding and containing them before dispatching them to the other side. Maintaining control and staying fearless was imperative. I focused on a positive outcome and believed sincerely in the power of prayer.

I will share some specific cases in my next post.

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